Thursday, September 2, 2010

Peachy Day

This morning started off slow. I had little ambition and sad to say, i didn't do much except get my hair colored. but my afternoon was much busier. Yesterday, I went to my Grandma's house and picked her entire tree of peaches. It was a small tree and the birds had had their share. In total we picked probably 3 full five gallon buckets. So you can guess what my project today was. Freezing peaches. Can you guess what my job tomorrow will be? Canning peaches and peach jam. Sad part- There is still three more tree's. But its been entirely worth it for all the peaches and cream and yummy peach smoothies we've been having. I spent all afternoon on one bucket and ended up with 32 cups of frozen peaches

Josh called me this morning to let me know that the traps he had been putting up at work, finally caught the coon he's been after for 3 weeks. I promptly had to go pick the poor sucker up and take him somewhere. Looks like an interesting test for our new puppies to see how they handle it.

We finished off the night by hauling a few tons of hay to my horse (the boys hauled most of it, Karidon, the kids , and I just watched). And Wyatt spent a good half hour riding the tractor with Clif as he bailed the oats. As we went to get the horse out of the pen, we were met by another ugly critter.
needless to say- he was promptly removed from the gate.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day of bottling peaches, and Josh is taking his physical for his new job. Everyone cross your fingers and wish us luck.